
我要皇冠足彩了. 我如何保障退休生活?


     For those of you with state 和 governmental retirement plans, you have important issues in your divorce case to be addressed. You will also find additional information on other parts of our website about this. 但基本上, 如果你是老师, 一个消防队员, 警察, 或者其他的专职公职人员, 你有一个退休计划,你的工作非常, very hard for 和 it is important that that retirement plan is given every consideration possible in your divorce. The key case that determines how your retirement plan will be valued is the Bishop case, 和 it’s important that we underst和 the nuances of the Bishop Case. We’ll discuss that with you here, 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所. For this or any other family law matter, please contact us here, 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所. 
– 卡洛琳半圆 is a Family Law Specialist, North Carolina CPA, 和 Certified Business Valuator

Is it OK to date during a separation, or do I have to wait until I’m divorced?


     Dating can be an important part of your divorce recovery. 分开后什么时候可以约会? 好吧, technically in North Carolina it is ok to date as soon as you’re not living in the same household with your ex-spouse.  但是,这可能是个好主意,也可能不是个好主意.  您需要考虑一些问题.  首先,你有孩子吗? 特别是未成年儿童.  Are you going to introduce a new relationship too soon?  That can affect your relationship with your children 和 your custody claim.  Another factor to consider is did you know this person before the separation? Is somebody going to be suspicious that it was going on prior to the separation if the dating relationship begins too soon? That could affect your alimony trial, 和 might not be a good idea.  让我们, 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所, help you with your divorce recovery by discussing when it is a good idea to begin dating. For this or any other family law matters, please contact us 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所.
– 卡洛琳半圆 is a Family Law Specialist, North Carolina CPA, 和 Certified Business Valuator

What is the legal definition of "Separation" in North Carolina?


     Clients frequently want to know: what does it mean to be separated in North Carolina? 简单的说, if you are not living under the same roof as your spouse, 你们中有一个想要分开, you are separated under North Carolina Law 和 you can 应用 for a divorce in 365 days.  A legal document is not required to be separated under North Carolina Law.  If you have any question about this topic or any other family law topic, 请皇冠足彩在这里皇冠足彩app.
–Taylor Clay is an attorney 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所

皇冠足彩 & 航空

At 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所, we see many individuals who have obtained valuable & unusual assets such as classic cars, airplanes, or memorabilia. The conversation below is an example of how those can be factored into a divorce.

航空 is important to the Triad, 和 it’s also important to us here 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所. I’m 卡洛琳半圆, I’m a North Carolina Family Law Specialist, but I’m also a pilot
I’m 史蒂夫·考金, 北卡罗来纳州注册律师助理, I’ve been an aircraft owner 和 pilot for over 33 years; I’m a multi-engine instrument rated pilot. 
So if an aviator is going through a divorce, what are some of the important issues, Steve? 
I think the important issues are making sure that you keep your insurance up to date.
绝对. Don’t ever cancel that without discussing that with your attorney first.
What other kinds of issues do pilots or pilot families particularly encounter in divorces? 
好吧, 我认为是飞机的使用, 和 how certain expenses are allocated to the marital estate versus the business. I also think keeping up with the maintenance is a big issue 和 preserving the value of the aircraft so the value can be accounted for properly in the division of the marital estate.
So how would you value a plane in a divorce situation? 
很明显, there are several ways to do it online 和 there are a lot of local professionals, but the key thing is to keep up with what the engine 和 the prop logs show 和 the updated avionics which can be the most important 和 expensive part of an airplane
So, would it not be important to know what the log books say about where the airplane actually went? 
I think where the airplane actually went 和 where it was 应该 to go can always be two different things; occasionally what the log book says 和 where the airplane actually l和ed are two different things.
我们感谢伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所的各位. If you’re interested in aviation 和 you’re going through a divorce, we’re here to help you. For this or any other family law matter, 请皇冠足彩在这里皇冠足彩app.

– 卡洛琳半圆 is a Family Law Specialist, North Carolina CPA, 和 Certified Business Valuator
--史蒂夫·考金 is 北卡罗来纳州注册律师助理